

Anasol is a water-soluble powder formulation of vitamins and electrolytes that provides all the essential micronutrients needed by animals for better performance.

Stress conditions like sudden weather change, vaccination, transport , debeaking, weaning and disease challenge can all contribute to decrease in feed consumption leading to low nutritional and health status of the animals; the worst may lead to death.

Supplementation of Anasol will help the animals combat these stress factors and prevent occurrence of secondary disease or infection. Fortification of water with vitamins and electrolytes is highly recommended most especially when feed intake is low due to heat stress.

Product Code: 21.N2.9806

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Anasol is a water-soluble powder formulation of vitamins and electrolytes that provides all the essential micronutrients needed by animals for better performance.

Stress conditions like sudden weather change, vaccination, transport , debeaking, weaning and disease challenge can all contribute to decrease in feed consumption leading to low nutritional and health status of the animals; the worst may lead to death.

Supplementation of Anasol will help the animals combat these stress factors and prevent occurrence of secondary disease or infection. Fortification of water with vitamins and electrolytes is highly recommended most especially when feed intake is low due to heat stress.

Supplementation of vitamins with electrolytes via drinking water provides readily available source of nutrients which can be deficient in animal diet. Anasol is formulated to provide better solubility and faster absorption in the system, thus leads to improve performance of the animals and higher farm profitability.

Anasol provides an efficient, economical and safe way to administer mass treatment in modern production units.

Dosage and Administration:
Species / Dosage
Continuous Treatment (3-5 days) Mix 100g per 200L of drinking water.
Intensive Treatment (5-7days) Mix 100g per 100L of drinking water. 

Continuous Treatment (3-5 days) Mix 100g per 300L of drinking water.
Intensive Treatment (5-7days) Mix 100g per 150L of drinking water.

Storage Recommendation:
Stock must be stored in cool and dry place; protected from direct heat and light.

100 g, 500 g, 1 Kg and 25 Kg

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