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International Farmers Summit Philippines 2018

International Farmers Summit Philippines 2018

ZAGRO Corporation participated in The International Farmers Summit Philippines, the largest and most esteemed Agriculture Exhibition and Forum in the country. It was held last February 21-23, 2018 at SMX Convention Center, SM Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City.


This event is focused on the Animal Industry, from animal nutrition, to animal health to genetics and equipments.  ZAGRO Corporation, with its aim to provide agrisolutions to farmers showcased its Farm Hygiene Products, Phytosulotion Range, Zagrosol Range, Zagrovit E-50 and Zagrovit Biotin 2%.  The Farm Hygiene range aims to guide the farmers on effective way of biosecurity.  Phytosolution range is the answer to a greener way of farming. Zagrosol range is the best supplements to counter the negative effects of stress to animals. Both Zagrovit E-50 and Biotin 2% are key vitamins needed by the animals especially on breeder stage for optimum performance.

The event was a successful one with thousands of visitors from small scale farmers to big integrator companies. Positive interactions were made by the company to existing and potential customers with its aim to provide the best solutions to different farm and feedmill situations.


February 21, 2018
February 23, 2018
Event Category:


SMX Convention Center SM Mall of Asia Complex Pasay City, Philippines


Agriculture Exhibition and Forum

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