Knowledge Center

Animal Health

Zagro Steps Up Vitamin E Feed Supply to Boost Livestock Health and Productivity

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Discover the crucial role of Vitamin E in livestock feed. This essential nutrient enhances animal health, supp

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Animal Health

Beating the Heat Wave: Protecting Poultry in South Asia from 2024's Scorching Temperatures

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The scorching temperatures of 2024 pose a significant threat to poultry in South Asia, but with proactive meas

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Crop Care

How to get rid of slugs using Zagro’s DUSK™

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At Zagro, we are strong believers in using organic methods to pest control measures, and DUSK™ is just one o

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Crop Care

Market Opportunities for Organic-based molluscicides in Europe

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The market void for more effective molluscicides presents opportunities for Zagro’s DUSK™ as the product i

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Following Animal Viruses to Humans

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As a leader in agrisolutions since 1953, Zagro continues to innovate as we develop more public health products

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Disinfectant Solution Against Viruses and Bacteria

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Zagro manufactures and distributes a range of disinfectants that can kill viruses and bacteria.

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Zagro News

Acquisition of PL Agro Technologies Ltd by Zagro

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We're thrilled to announce that PL Agro Technologies Ltd. is now officially part of the Zagro Group family as

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Zagro News

Covid Wave Again? Zagro Health Has The Disinfection Solutions For It

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The latest Covid-19 infection numbers by Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH), though has fallen from its pe

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