In today’s poultry and swine production systems, disease challenges caused by various pathogens such as E. coli, Salmonella spp., Clostridium perfringens and Campylobacter spp. are of major economic concern. In some countries, antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) are used to reduce the impact of these pathogens and control diseases. However, with increasing public concerns regarding bacterial resistance to antibiotics, AGPs have been banned in animal feed in Europe since 2006 and the Consistent increase in the price of feed ingredients has been a major constraint in most of the developing countries. As a consequence cheaper and non-conventional feed ingredients have to be used which contain higher percentage of Non-Starch Polysaccharides (soluble and insoluble/crude fibre) along with starch. Non Starch Polysaccharides (NSPs) are polymeric carbohydrates which differ in composition and structure from starch and possess chemical cross linking among them therefore, are not well digested by animals. A part of these NSPs is water-soluble which is notorious for forming a gel-like viscous consistency in the intestinal tract (Ward, 1995) thus by reducing gut performance. The use of probiotics and enzymes combination in animal supplement is of great importance.
Probiotic microorganisms are one of the alternatives for growth promoters in poultry and swine industry.
Beneficial microbes mode of action :
1) they provide nutrient
2) they aid digesting foods
3) they inhibit harmful bacteria in the gut.
Gastrointestinal normal flora plays an important role in the health and performance of animals. The inclusion of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in the diet has been shown to improve animal performance and decrease mortality. Mannanoligosaccharides (MOS), which are derived from the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are an alternative to antibiotic growth promoters. MOS have shown promising effects, such as decreasing pathogenic microflora of the gut, stimulating a strong immune response. Bacillus subtilis, a common Gram-positive bacterium and possible candidate as a direct-fed microbial. The major characteristic of Bacillus subtilis that makes it a viable candidate for being a direct-fed microbial is its ability to produce endospores.
Most known probiotics are not capable of producing these endospores. Several studies have shown the ability of Bacillus subtilis to be able to reduce the colonization of certain important pathogenic bacteria to the animals industry including Salmonella enterica and Clostridium perfringens. Most studies indicate that Bacillus subtilis has the ability to enhance the already present microflora environment. The spores of Bacillus subtilis are capable of initiating an innate immune response, providing the host with the ability to fight bacterial infection. The Bacillus spores are emerging as a leading class of probiotics for animals. When added to animal feed and water supplementation which gives potential benefits include faster growth rate, lower feed conversion ratio, reduced pathogen loads, less nitrogen in and ammonia from litter, and increased egg production and egg shell thickness and strength.
Animals doing not produce enzymes for the hydrolysis of Non-Starch Polysaccharide present in the cell wall of the grains and the results in low feed efficiency. Research work has suggested that the negative effects of NSPs can be overcome by dietary modifications including supplementation of diets with suitable exogenous enzyme preparations. Enzymes break down the NSPs, decreases intestinal viscosity and eventually improve the digestibility of nutrients by improving gut performance. Combinations of NSP and Digestive enzymes such as xylanase, Betaglucanase , Cellulase, amylase and protease , lipase have been proven to reduce the amount of undigested nutrients or substrates in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum increasing the digestibility of even so called simple diets and improving healthy animal performance. As well as the effect that protease has on reducing undigested protein, it has also been suggested that it can stimulate the production of mucus and could be associated with better responses of chickens in response to coccidial challenges. Enzymes such as xylanase have also been shown to generate arabino-xylo-oligosaccharides (AXOX), particularly in the caecal phase. These act as prebiotics, selectively stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria.
Some of beneficial microbes and enzyme which are supply via feed to animals are highly degrading and trailing their efficacy in over pelleting temperature and other storage condition. So intended for overcome of this kind of situation ZAGRO designed new solution called Probiozyme WS which are available in water soluble form and it contain highly concentrated active dry yeast, consisting of living cells taken from a pure culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Bacillus subtilis, and a variety of NSP and digestive enzymes to help improve digestibility and utilization of nutrients.
Probiozyme WS can effectively help prevent and treat enteric diseases and promotes better gut health. Probiozyme Ws mainly used for optimizes gut micro flora and protects the animals from various intestinal infection, Improve animal immunity, growth rate and gut function, Better digestion and nutrient adsorption, its also ready made solution for compensate pelleting loss of Probiotics and Enzyme via drinking water Supplements.