Neocidol contains Diazinon, a non systemic organophosphate that inhibits cholinesterase. It is used to control flies mosquitoes, cockroaches and other domestic pests.
Neocidol contains Diazinon, a non systemic organophosphate that inhibits cholinesterase. It is used to control flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches and other domestic pests.
Dosage and Administration:
The information above is purely informative and is no way to be taken as strict prescription guidelines. The recommended dosage is based on our formulation but may also vary from one country to another.
Target Insects / Dosage / Application and Administration
Fly and mosquito control in animal houses and buildings
Mix 100 mL in 5 L of water. Apply as spray to walls and ceilings.
Fly maggot control
Mix 100 mL in 30 L of water. Apply as spray to breeding areas of maggots.
Mix 100 mL in 3-8 L of water. Apply as spray to infested areas and hiding places.
Bedbugs and Lice
Mix 100 mL in 6 L of water. Apply as spray to infested areas and hiding places.
Mix 100 mL in 6 L of water; 100 g of sugar may be added to the mixture. Spray lightly where an activity is noticed.
Fleas and dog ticks in buildings
Mix 100 mL in 6 L of water. Apply as spray to floors, walls, cracks and crevices.
For operator safety; strictly avoid skin and eye contact. Wear hat/cap, rubber footwear, rubber gloves and proper clothing when handling the concentrate. When spraying, wear a cloth over the nose and mouth. For consumer safety and environment, it is biodegradable and is harmful to fish, birds and bees. Do not discharge waste liquid into ponds, streams and sewage systems. Empty container completely, dispose of it safely after puncturing.
Atropine, in addition oxime preparations, such as 2-PAM or Toxogonin under medical supervision, Diazinon is a cholinestesterase inhibitor.
Storage Recommendation:
Store under lock and key in a well-ventilated area in original container. Keep out of reach of children, unauthorized persons and animals, and also store apart from food and feedstuff. Once opened, use contents within 3 months. Close tightly after use. Avoid sun, temperatures below 10oC and above 35oC and also rain and dampness.
1L, 5L, 20L and 200L