Synbio WS

Synbio WS

Synbio Water Soluble Powder is combination of Bacillus subtilis strain and prebiotics source for improve the gut health and overall animal performance.

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Bacillus subtilis, a common Gram-positive bacterium, which is a direct-fed microbe having ability to produce endospores. It has capability of withstanding high temperatures when being processed in the feed-milling procedure and are highly resistant to extreme pH levelsin the gut. The spore of Bacillus subtilis are capable of initiating an innate immune response, providing the host with the ability to fight bacterial infection. Prebiotics are non-digestible dietary constituents that may be used to beneficially alter microbial populations in the gut, thereby preventing pathogenic invasion and improving host health.

Symbiotic : The combination of a probiotic and a prebiotics can be synergistic strategy that beneficially affects the host by improving the survival and the implantation of a direct fed microbial in the gastrointestinal tract, and by electively stimulating the growth and/or by actvating the metabolism of a limited number of health promoting bacteria. Synbio Water Soluble Powder is combination of Bacillus subtilis strain and prebiotics source for improve the gut health and overall animal performance.


  • Improves nutrient digestibility and improve the gut health
  • Enhances immune function in animals
  • Improves growth rate
  • Improves overall animal performance
  • Alternative to antibiotic growth promoter
  • Heat stable Bacillus subtilis with Prebiotics combination for additional action


  • It withstands the pelleting condition
  • Safe, no residues in meat and egg

Dosage and Administration

  • For feed application - Mix 250 to 500g per ton of feed
  • For drinking water application - Mix 125 to 250g per 1000L of water
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