Zarcon is a unique broad spectrum disinfectant against different strain of virus, bacteria and fungi. It has great efficacy on most of the pathogenic and economically impotent diseases affecting livestock industry such as Gumboro Disease, New Castle, IB, Avian Influenza, Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), Salmonella, Hog Cholera, Swine Vesicular Disease, and PRRS.
Zarcon is a unique broad spectrum disinfectant against different strain of virus, bacteria and fungi. It has great efficacy on most of the pathogenic and economically impotent diseases affecting livestock industry such as Gumboro Disease, New Castle, IB, Avian Influenza, Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), Salmonella, Hog Cholera, Swine Vesicular Disease, and PRRS.
Zarcon is ideal for use in farm operations such as hatchery, farm buildings and slaughter houses. It is fast acting yet has low toxicity profile thus, safe to man, animals and environment. It is effective in all disinfecting systems, including aerial spray. Administration is easy and is proven efficient on porous surfaces such as wood and against organic challenge in hard water and at low temperature. It is non-corrosive and non-tainting, leaving no unsightly residues in the applied surface. It is formulated in powder form so as to have ease in application yet guaranteed effectiveness for overall disinfection.
Dosage and Administration:
Type of Disinfection / Dilution Rate with water
Terminal Disinfection / 1:100
Farm (Poultry/Livestock) Buildings and Equipments / 1:200
Terminal Clean Out / 1:200
Continuous water sanitation / 1:1000
Misting/Aerial spray / 1:200
Cold fogging / 1:100
Terminal fogging / 1:25
Foot bath / 1:100
Storage Recommendation:
Stock must be stored in a cool and dry place; protected from direct heat and light.
100 g, 1 Kg, 5 Kg and 10 Kg