Enhance the Growth Performance of Animals through Improved Nutrient Utilization
Animal Health

Enhance the Growth Performance of Animals through Improved Nutrient Utilization

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Phosphorus (P) is primarily stored in the form of phytate in plant seeds, thus being poorly available for monogastric livestock, s

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Housefly – Its Problem And Control Measure
Animal Health

Housefly – Its Problem And Control Measure

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It is a fact that the common housefly, which is also known as Musca Domestica, can pose a serious health probl

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Heat Stress Management For Monogastric Animals
Animal Health

Heat Stress Management For Monogastric Animals

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Poultry seems to be particularly sensitive to temperature-associated environmental challenges, especially heat

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Phytoadditive for Replacement of Synthetic Choline
Animal Health

Phytoadditive for Replacement of Synthetic Choline

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Choline is a rediscovered critical amino acid for poultry. Supplementation of choline in poultry ration is wel

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New Antibiotic Product for Avian Mycoplasmosis Management
Animal Health

New Antibiotic Product for Avian Mycoplasmosis Management

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Avian mycoplasmosis causes considerable economical losses to the poultry industry, especially in chickens and

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